You may not ressurect dead sims via the Science lab.Sims may not consume life fruit to gain extra days to their lifespan.You may age sims up via the birthday cake only once the game prompts you with a reminder of their impending birthday, not earlier. You do not have to use the birthday cake to age sims up, you can wait for the game to force the age transition if you wish.Death Flowers may not be kept in inventory. You may gather and sell them, but cannot be used to ward off death
All other sims are fair game. You are allowed to create/download/import sims and families into your Legacy neighborhood, they just cannot join the family.No sims/families may ever be merged into the Legacy family. If you wish to add members, they must be done in game.
Sims 3 game code generator
Lifetime wants: You gain 1 point for every unique lifetime want fulfilled by a family member. The sim in question must be living in the legacy house and be part of the family tree to earn this point. Once a specific liftime wish has been fulfilled by a sim, further sims fulifilling that wish will not earn you a legacy point for doing so. There are 32 unique liftime wishes in the game, meaning you could earn a maximum of 32 points in this category.
I was asking because of this part of the rules:All other sims are fair game. You are allowed to create/download/import sims and families into your Legacy neighborhood, they just cannot join the family.
RNGs are used, for example, to live up open world games without the developers having to code every single section of forests and roads and deserts. Instead, developers code some possibilities and let chance determine what happens when the player reaches a certain point in the map.
Like in previous games, the usage of wind turbines and solar panels will reduce a household's bills. They can also provide power on lots with the Off-the-Grid lot challenge. Eco Lifestyle also includes water generators for producing water to reduce bills, or for use on an off-the-grid lot.
It is fine to use code from other sources as long as (1) you properly attribute it and (2) itdoesn't defeat the point of the assignment. For example, if I teach something in class you should notuse someone else's code for that, but other support code (e.g. solving dense linear systems, FFT,generic data structures) is fair game. This can be delicate particularly for languages like Matlab,which include a whole bunch of built-in functions for numerical computing---if in doubt about something,ask me before the assignment is due!